The Last Jukebox Repairman

Perry Rosen has always been fascinated by the intricacies of vintage jukeboxes—from the elaborate motor and record handling assemblies to the vacuum tubes and the turntable.

For the last 30-plus years, he has been running Perry’s Jukebox and Pinball Repair Company in Brooklyn, NY, one of only a few businesses in the country capable of repairing vintage jukeboxes.

“Ever since I was a child I was always interested in motors, fans and things that move,” Rosen says. “And looking at a jukebox—the arm, the turntable, the spinning, and the motion—was something that I was very intrigued by.”

Rosen makes about 20 house calls a month to repair jukeboxes and has been asked to travel to such faraway places as Ireland, Tasmania, Thailand, and Scotland.

“It’s all about making people happy,” he says. “Most people that call me love their machines. They have the records in them from when they were teenagers and it brings back memories. Being able to restore the machine is something that really makes me feel good. I always leave a house with music playing.”

See Perry in action in this video:

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Scottyb09's picture

When we lived in Minnesota (near Minneapolis) we stored some of our belongings in an indoor storage facility. A guy on the first floor rented a large storage unit and ran his old antique radio and jukebox repair business from there. He had some really cool old equipment and it was nice to see that some folks still appreciate it.