Vizio PX75-G1 P-Series Quantum X LCD Ultra HDTV Review Page 2

All of the observations and tests here were made with the Calibrated Dark mode and Normal Color Temperature setting active. Calibrated Dark mode might appear "Dark" if you're accustomed to watching a TV in a "torch" picture mode like Bright Room or Sports, but it actually offers the most natural-looking and adequately bright image under most viewing conditions (in a dark room or one with modest lighting).

Even after a full calibration I found that the PX75-G1's colors often looked a bit overcooked, particularly skin tones. A small reduction in the Color control, usually around 47 give or take a step or two (the default is 50) for both SDR and HDR often was the only change needed. For SDR I sometimes also increased the Backlight from 20 to 25 for a little more pop and varied the Gamma control depending on the source from 2.2 to 2.4. For HDR I increased the Contrast from 50 to 53 depending on the source.

Hd/Standard Dynamic Range Performance
I used Blu-ray (HD and UHD) played on an Oppo UDP-203 Ultra HD Blu-ray player for all of my serious viewing, but also spent considerable time watching streamed video. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is an underappreciated Christmas film that I pulled from the shelf just after the holidays. This is a beautiful transfer of a well-shot film, and its rich, brilliant colors were appropriate for the season. As Kevin navigates the city and outwits the sticky bandits bot in his uncle's house and in Central Park, I was impressed with the Vizio's color, detail, sharpness, and overall performance in bright and dark scenes.

120viziopx.sideOblivion is a disc I've referenced many times (including below in its HDR form) for good reason since it's a superb transfer. It looked good across the board on the Vizio, with solid color, faultless detail, and well-balanced contrast. Prometheus is also a superb disc, though a little trickier for displays to deal with due to its many dark cave scenes. The Vizio handled it reasonably well, though the dark scenes looked just a little grayer than they do on an OLED TV. The star fields early on in the film looked totally convincing, however. Typical of most LCD designs, the Vizio looks best when viewed head-on. Picture quality starts to deteriorate as you move off-center, the loss of contrast becoming obvious once you view from 20-25 degrees to one side.

Ultra Hd/High Dynamic Range Performance
Revisiting Oblivion, but this time in HDR, I was blown away by how the Vizio handled the disc's bright HDR highlights. The lightning strikes in the first act looked frighteningly real, and a nighttime nuclear explosion seen from a distance revealed more detail than I've ever noticed in the dozens of times I've watched it before on other sets.

Other bright details throughout Oblivion, while not always as spectacular, were nonetheless jaw-dropping. As Jack is chained up and questioned by the "Scavs," he sits in the dark illuminated only by a bright spotlight. In most displays this appears either as a single light source or as multiple sources mushed together, but on the Vizio it was revealed as three closely spaced but clearly differentiated lights.

Such detail is made possible by the Vizio's high peak light output in HDR. When properly set up, it measured 2,000 nits on highlights—almost double what we've measured on other sets, and three times what you get with an OLED TV. OLEDs typically top out at about 700 nits, while a Samsung Q90 series LCD model we tested in the December/January 2020 issue (also on measured 1,300 nits—a previous high mark in our TV testing history. Although the human eye doesn't respond linearly to increasing light levels (if it did, we'd go blind walking outside on a sunny day!), the peak white available from the Vizio PX75-G1 makes resolution of such bright details possible. In more technical terms, this set delivers enough brightness that it doesn't need to employ tone mapping for most HDR sources.


There's more to HDR than just peak white output, of course. Though the Vizio's screen usually went completely black on fadeouts between scenes in SDR, it never did so in HDR, instead stopping at a very dark gray. But black bars on widescreen films were always inconspicuous with either SDR or HDR as long as relatively bright material was in the active picture area—with one exception. As with all local dimming LCD TVs I've reviewed, haloing appeared around bright objects, an effect that was most visible when they were set against a black background. This also applied to widescreen material when a bright object abutted the top or bottom letterbox bar. I never found this distracting when watching movies or TV, but your reaction may differ. (Haloing is typically more obvious in HDR than in SDR due to the former's extreme brightness on highlights.)

The PX75-G1 did occasionally show an HDR issue often seen on other TVs—a sometimes too-dark look on scenes with a middling average brightness level. Turning the Contrast up to 53-54 for HDR programs helped to overcome this, though it wasn't a total cure. In general, the Vizio's black levels with HDR were good, though a bit less inky than with SDR. On some programs I had to choose between the image being a bit too light or exhibiting slightly crushed blacks (for example, in the night forest scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2). But overall, HDR performance was the best I've yet seen, with consistently satisfying contrast, and colors that always looked rich.


Vizio's TV offered reasonably good screen uniformity with both HDR and SDR. If you look very closely at dark gray, full-field test patterns, you might see subtle vertical bands. But that's being incredibly picky, and I never saw any uniformity issues when watching movies or TV programs. Nor did I see white clipping or false contouring on any of the sources I watched. As noted earlier, starfields did look effective on the PX75-G1, though the starfield test on the Spears & Munsil UHD HDR Benchmark test disc didn't come close to what's possible with the same pattern viewed on an OLED TV. That's because starfields represent pinpoints of light, and even highly effective local dimming can't always reliably illuminate such tiny highlights.

Vizio may have made its mark as a value leader in TV, but its launch of a set priced at more than two grand doesn't mean the company is abandoning that stance. Look again at what you get here for $2,200: Smart TV features, a 75-inch screen with 480 local dimming zones, and high dynamic range performance that competes with the best. If you can find a better overall performer at this screen size for under $2,500, by all means go for it. If not, and I suspect you won't, the Vizio P-Series Quantum X might just be your next TV.


SuicideSquid's picture

I have a 65" vizio M series from 2018 and I love everything about the TV except the stupid menus.

It's mind-boggling that menus on my 386 computer from 1989 are snappier than menus on my 2018 smart TV.

drny's picture

Thanks Tom for review. I'm waiting on the new soon to be released Quantum X at 85" screen size. Vizio is supposed to have improved it's processing chip and interface. If the reviews bare out the improvements, and its price at $3,000 or less then it would be the deal of the year for a premium 4k.

Woofy98102's picture

I purchased and mounted this TV in December and I'm mystified by some odd discrepancies in the review. Strangely, the picture of the remote is entirely different from the remote that I have! My remote is surprisingly heavy, with it's main body made of satin-finished aluminum that matches the aluminum trim on the TV. The remote's keypad has a seamless black rubber surface with raised buttons. It's very attractive with a solid luxurious feel to it with a really clever spring loaded drawer for its batteries that pushes in and then springs out from the slender bottom of the remote.
The other thing about my set that seems at odds with the reviewer's experience is the responsiveness of the set's user interface. My set is hard-wired to the house's gigabit ethernet network and the interface responds smoothly and quickly to the remote's input, in my limited experience. I have not tried Vizio's app control, yet. Accessing Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime is nearly instantaneous and definitely comparable to my FireCube and Roku Ultra boxes.
And the picture? With some of the better 4K HDR content, the picture is eerily three dimensional as if the image we're seeing is really on the other side of the world's cleanest pane of glass.
But I have to admit, playing Mariokart on the Nintendo Switch console on this TV has made me nauseous from motion sickness more than a few times. Now how many TVs can do that?? Most importantly for me, rapidly panning images on this TV do not lose resolution and pixellate, which has been the primary reason preventing me from giving up my Kuro plasma panel. And surprisingly, the Vizio's black level performance is superb. Must be from all those hundreds of local dimming zones.
Thanks for the great review of a great TV! I hope lotsa people buy and enjoy this outstanding TV as much as I have.

Woofy98102's picture

I wish to make clear that the discrepancies I reported are in no way the fault of the reviewer. Ten to one, it's all attributable to the Chinese manufacturer making incremental changes within the manufacturing cycle of a product. It happens quite often, actually.

cexemef550's picture

Overall, it appears to offer a compelling value proposition in the 75-inch Ultra HDTV category.

docas71901's picture

Its ability to handle various HDR formats without the need for tone mapping is a noteworthy feature, especially considering its affordable price. - move closet

joedavidson's picture

The Vizio's optical digital output can pass lossy multichannel soundtracks in bitstream format to an external AVR or soundbar.