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War of the (Little) Worlds The Verdict
That's Right, There's More.
So is it cut and dry? Should you all rush out and buy the NHTs? Not necessarily. There are a few things to consider. The first, of course, is price. After everyone had made their picks based on sound and looks, I informed our panel of each system's price. In many ways, this overall score is just as important as which system won based on sound alone. Chris changed his vote from the $1,600 NHTs to the far cheaper $1,326 PSBs. If $274 is a fair chunk of change for you, you won't lose much by going to the PSBs, but even this comes with a caveat. When I asked the judges to list their least favorite system overall, the PSB Alpha B, unlike the NHT SB-2, received one vote in this less-than-prestigious category. More so than the NHTs, the PSBs deserve an extended audition before purchase. Make sure that neutrality is what you really want. Then again, this neutrality means that the PSBs would probably work best with the widest range of equipment. This is something to consider when you're checking them out.
There's also something to be said about the tie between the $1,944 M&Ks and the $1,326 PSBs. It either says that the PSBs are an incredible value or that the M&Ks perform extremely well for their size. Even that's not cut and dry, as one of the main reasons the M&Ks are so expensive is that the V-76 sub (the company's cheapest) is the most expensive in this test.
While it seems that the $1,950 Morel Spiro is the forgotten system in this Face Off, keep in mind that Claire liked it the best, without question. The speakers are very mellow, but many people would welcome mellowness over the brightness that seems to be the norm elsewhere in this category. And don't forget that they don't look like any other speaker in this price range. That in itself is a selling point.
It comes down to this: If you're looking for a smooth, warm sound with sharp looks and a midrange price, the NHT SB-2 ensemble is the system for you. If you're looking for the most accurate system you can get for the money, there's no question that the attractive PSB Alpha B setup is your ticket. If those ensembles are too boxy or don't work with your décor, the M&K Xenon LCR-25 will work well for any movie lover. Last but certainly not least, the Morel Spiro is laid-back and quite striking, something that I can't say about many systems in this price range.
Look at that: 4,000 words, and I summed it all up in a few sentences. Aren't you glad I made you travel all this way?
What Do You Think?
Yet another classic confrontation between the gut and the head. The gut says the NHTs, with their silky-smooth sound and a presence that transcends their size. The head, however, says the PSBs, with a sound-performance level that's very close to that of the NHTs and a price tag that's a few hundred dollars less. The PSBs' flatter frequency response also gives them a slightly better chance of successfully matching with a wider array of electronics. You certainly can't go wrong with the NHTs, but, when all the dust clears, the PSBs are probably the better all-around choice.—Chris Lewis
Looks and price used to be my criteria for picking a speaker system. If they also happened to sound good, bonus. However, after I heard these four systems blind and realized that the one with the sound I preferred was the most expensive and the weirdest-looking, well, I still have to stand by my choice. With the Morel system, the midrange is smooth, dialogue is clear, the subwoofer is tight, quick, and punchy, and the tweeter doesn't exhibit any nasty ringing, buzzing, or raspiness. It's just a very laid-back system that lets your material speak for itself.—Claire Lloyd
Before we began the Face Off, Geoffrey asked each of us what we look for in a speaker. My answer was “a warm, open sound.” With this in mind, my Face Off favorite comes as no surprise: The NHT ensemble served up a warm, approachable sound that was much more spacious than you'd expect from a sub/sat system. The sub has enough low-end rumble to satisfy bass lovers, while the treble is smooth and quick. Even though I could tell that the PSB system measured the best, I felt no emotional connection to its sound. It was just too straightforward. Purists may cringe, but I'll take warmth over accuracy any day.—Adrienne Maxwell
One of the reasons I enjoyed this Face Off so much is that, after we'd completed the blind-testing part, I correctly guessed which manufacturer designed each speaker. It's always fun to be right. At any rate, each system had something to offer: I thought the PSBs did a really beautiful job on the higher frequencies. The Holly Cole disc that Geoffrey chose is one of my favorites, and I thought Cole's voice sounded absolutely perfect. About as good as it gets. I thought the Morels had a clean, laid-back approach with a very good midrange. The M&Ks had an aggressive, accurate bass that completely enveloped me during the action scenes in Band of Brothers, and the NHTs—my personal favorite—had the warm, silky highs that I crave for listening to female vocalists.—Maureen Jenson
I might be new to speaker Face Offs, but my ear was good enough to pick the group's favorite, the NHTs. Rarely do speakers thrill me, but I must admit that this system's detail and clarity blew me away. The PSBs also put on a good show and deserve recommendation. The kicker is that, in my opinion, the most expensive sets of speakers didn't sound as good. Apparently, you don't always get what you pay for, or at least not what sounds the best to your ears. The whole test process showed me how important a test run really is. Why settle for less-than-thrilling sound if it comes at a less-than-thrilling price?—Hilary Lynch
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