UEI NevoSL Universal Controller User Testimonial

User Testimonial: Cutting Edge in Colorado


Max and Bebe Greenlee don't consider themselves to be serious A/V enthusiasts. Like many of us, this Colorado couple has assembled a modest home-entertainment system, consisting of a receiver, a DVR, a DVD player, a VCR, and a turntable. They also have a wireless home network and a computer filled with digital photos that they'd love to show off. Little did they know, when they asked custom installer King Systems (www.kingsystemsllc.com) to set them up with a new 37-inch Panasonic plasma HDTV, that they had embarked on the path toward a converged home. Did I mention that both Max and Bebe are 77 years old?

"We really wanted to be able to view our digital photos on the TV," explains Max, "so King Systems turned us on to the NevoSL." The custom installer, based in Denver, had already helped the Greenlees with some computer issues and felt the Nevo would be a good fit. "I was apprehensive, but my wife wasn't," Max recalls. "So, we compromised and did it her way."


King Systems connected a D-Link DSM-320 media player to the new Panasonic TV, loaded the NevoMedia Manager software on their computer, and configured the system to stream photos from the computer to the media player. They also set up the NevoSL to control the couple's entertainment and lighting systems.

What does the adventurous couple think of their new toy? Their favorite feature is definitely the ability to look at their photos on the plasma TV, but they also enjoy the lighting control and having a touchscreen for their favorite HD channels. "I didn't know something liked this was available," Bebe told us. "King Systems felt like we'd be able to handle this device, and I can say that I'm getting very good at it. You have to be willing to work with the NevoSL, but, now that I know it, I simply can't do without it."

The Greenlees may not have set out to be cutting edge, but they're happy they took a chance. As Bebe proudly reminds us, "Age doesn't matter if you're willing to take the step."

Universal Electronics, Inc.
(714) 820-1000