Pioneer KURO PDP-6020FD Plasma HDTV HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures: Pioneer KURO PDP-6020FD Plasma HDTV

Full-On/Full-Off Contrast Ratio: Infinite

All of the measurements here, unless otherwise noted, were taken in Standard mode. The contrast readings were taken with both Energy Save and the Room Sensor turned Off. Energy Save in Mode 1 reduced the peak light output by about 30 percent, from the figures shown. It dropped by another 20 percent (in a darkened room) with the Room Sensor engaged.

A full-screen white pattern measured 17.4 foot-lamberts. (A decreasing light output as the average picture level increases is characteristic of all plasmas.)

The 0.00-ft-L reading for video black is not a typo. While some light could be seen on the screen with a full black image, it was too low to register on our Minolta light meter. As a result, the contrast ratio was also too high to measure.

On some occasions, when I switched from a bright white test pattern to video black, the black level appeared slightly elevated (measured at 0.008 ft-L). After a few seconds, it dropped to the 0.000-ft-L level. After another 15 seconds or so, it would drop further, to total black (judged by eye). Most of the time, the first drop was to the 0.000-ft-L “measured” level. In the 30 to 40 hours I spent watching real program material, however, I only recall seeing that 0.008-ft-L level once or twice.

The Movie mode’s color tracking shows a bit too much red and not enough blue, and the Standard mode shows too much blue. The color gamut, shown in the CIE chart, was slightly oversaturated in red and green.

The measured results for the Optimum mode are not shown, as they varied dramatically with both the current and preceding signal level. Because the picture settings changed dynamically in Optimum, static test-pattern measurements were inadequate to show what was happening with real program material.

The luma resolution was good up to the limit of our resolution test patterns (improving to excellent at 1080p). The chroma (color) resolution was more limited and poor at the maximum burst frequency in 1080p. This rolloff did not, however, affect the quality of the Pioneer’s color on real program sources.

The Dot by Dot aspect-ratio option produces the lowest overscan (0 percent) and the highest resolution, but it’s available only in 1080i and 1080p. Other aspect-ratio settings produced no more than 2 percent overscan per side at 720p and 1080i/p. This increased to an average of 3.5 percent at 480i/480p.—TJN

Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.
(800) 421-1404