Integra DTR-9.9 A/V Receiver Calibration Sensation!

Calibration Sensation!

To check out the Integra’s video calibration controls, I worked with a JVC DLA-RS1 projector that was in a relatively mediocre state of calibration. With 500 hours on the JVC’s lamp, the before result shown in the color-tracking chart indicates the result I obtained with the projector’s controls alone.

My first attempt wasn’t entirely satisfactory, but the second, shown in the after chart, produced significant improvements, including a much closer match across the brightness range to the standard D65 white point.

The after result includes the combined effect of the projector calibration alone and additional tweaks made with the Integra’s adjustments. I would recommend this approach with any external video processing: Get the result as close as possible using the display’s controls, then fine-tune it with the add-on processor.

In the end, the color was much improved by the enhanced color tracking, although the JVC’s oversaturated color gamut remained. Our Integra’s Gamma adjustment was not functional, so it could not improve the JVC’s low gamma. According to Integra, however, a new firmware update has fixed the Gamma control.