A Laptop Movie Stand for the Traveling Man

Yeah, right, you say you brought your laptop on the plane so you could get some work done - but you and I know you really tucked it in your carry-on bag so you could watch Breakfast on Pluto without having to explain to your kids what a transvestite is. But, in addition to being a horrible place to type or do other computerized work, an airplane seat is not conducive to comfortable movie viewing, either. Thanks to the dude who has to recline all the way in the seat in front of me, I can never get the screen at the right angle to eliminate all the glare on the screen. As a result, most of the time I'm actually happy when the battery runs out before the movie ends.

A new gadget called the AVIATOR - no relation to the movie, as far as I can tell - Laptop Stand looks like it'll be able to ease my carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms as well as make my airborne movie enjoyment much more enjoyable.

Keynamics' AVIATOR is a simple assembly of three plastic pieces snapped together to form a laptop computer stand that extends your keyboard 2.5 inches over the front edge of the tray and raises the screen by three inches. The arrangement correctly positions the keyboard for comfortable typing and places the screen at a level that will prevent you from hunching over to see what's on the screen.

The AVIATOR is only nine ounces - so it won't put you over on the baggage weight limit - and folds up flat.

Keynamics says you can also use the AVIATOR as a portable desktop stand when you're using your laptop away from your desk. (It seems like a much better thing to do than jamming a couple of DVD boxes under the back of the laptop like I always wind up doing...)

The street price is expected to be $19.99, which is a lot cheaper than a trip to the chiropractor would be.