Netflix Streaming Bumps Off Disc Option

Attention Netflix streamers: The "Add to DVD Queue" option will be eliminated from streaming devices. The move effectively means that you can rent a disc only by going to your computer, even if you pay the monthly rate for a combined streaming and disc plan.

The announcement came in a company blog. Here is the blog post in its entirety:

"Hi there, it's Jamie Odell, director of product management at Netflix, with an update for members who add DVDs to their Queue from the device they use to watch instantly. We're removing the 'Add to DVD Queue' option from streaming devices. We're doing this so we can concentrate on offering you the titles that are available to watch instantly. Further, providing the option to add a DVD to your Queue from a streaming device complicates the instant watching experience and ties up resources that are better used to improve the overall streaming functionality. This change does not impact the Netflix Web site, where most members manage their DVD Queues."

Some have challenged Netflix's stated reasoning. "Remember," said one commentator, "it only costs Netflix 5 cents to stream a flick to your home, while a DVD by mail costs them whatever the going postal rate is."

The 4826 comments posted at presstime, or at least the small fraction we sampled, were largely negative.

Note that while the option to rent a disc has been removed from the streaming device, listings of disc titles will continue to be available both on streaming devices and of course on the PC-accessed Netflix website.