Cisco 300-420 is an exam focusing on the Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks (ENSLD) certification. Dumps, in this context, typically refer to collections of questions and answers that might appear on the exam. However, relying solely on Cisco 300-420 dumps might not provide comprehensive knowledge or understanding of the subject matter. It's crucial to study the material thoroughly, understand the concepts, and use dumps as supplementary practice rather than the primary source of preparation.
LG 47LG60 LCD TV Measurements
Contrast & Resolution
Peak white level
- Full screen: 23.5fL
- 100 IRE window: 23.5fL
Peak contrast ratio: 810:1
- 480i/p: 2% (16:9)
- 720p: 0% (Just Scan)
- 1080i/p: 0% (Just Scan)
- HDMI/DVI: 37.1MHz
- Component: 37.1MHz
These measurements were made with the backlight set to produce a comfortable peak-white level in a dark room; the backlight can certainly be increased to compensate for ambient light.
I saw some odd, slowly moving moiré in the high-frequency burst of the bandwidth test pattern, though the burst itself was clearly visible via both HDMI and component.
Interestingly, there was no overscan at 720p, which is rare.
Grayscale & Color Temperature
Before calibration, the Warm color-temp setting was pretty darned close to D65, skewing ever so slightly toward magenta.
Using the 2-point grayscale calibration controls, I got most brightness levels closer to D65, except 20 IRE, which tended toward blue.
Using the 10-point cal controls, I got the grayscale nearly perfect across the entire brightness range.
Pre-cal, the grayscale had too much red and blue, leading to the magenta skew.
After the 2-point calibration, the color tracking got a lot better except at the very low end.
The 10-point calibration got the color tracking right on the money, better than I've seen on just about any other set.
Before calibration, the color temperature was not bad at all, though not entirely flat across the brightness range.
The 2-point calibration flattened the color-temp tracking except at the low end.
Using the 10-point cal settings, I got the color temp to track ruler-flat.
Color Accuracy
Before using the color-management system, the primary and secondary color points were pretty close to correct; green, cyan, and magenta were slightly off.
Using the CMS, I was able to bring cyan and magenta into line, and I got green closer to correct, but I couldn't dial it in perfectly. Unfortunately, I couldn't set the intensity of each color because the TV provides no such controls.
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I wish I can buy this TV. It's so great

In addition, do you have any Tv which can play merge fruits?