Samsung PN59D8000 3D Plasma HDTV Settings


Unit-to-unit sample variations, the viewing environment, and the source might render these recommendations less than optimum. They are provided only as a potentially useful starting place.

The settings here that are most likely to translate reliably from one sample to another are those involving specific features with only a few setting options, such as Color Space, Gamma, and Noise Reduction. The ones most likely to be subject to sample variations are video controls offering a wide range of settings. This will be particularly true for color temperature (gray scale) and color management adjustments (where available).

While experimenting with the user menus controls can do no damage and can easily be reset, we do not provide settings for service menu adjustments. Random alterations of such controls without detailed knowledge of what they do may corrupt a set's firmware. This will likely require extensive in-shop repairs that are not covered under the warrantee.

We strongly recommend that you find the optimum basic video settings for your sample by using one of the many display setup DVDs that are available, such as Digital Video Essentials (DVD) or DVE HD Basics (Blu-ray). A full calibration, particularly of the gray scale and color gamut, is best left to a trained and properly equipped technician such as those certified by the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) or THX.

Picture Mode: MovieMovie
Cell Light 2020
Contrast: 86100
Sharpness: 1010
Color: 5050
Tint (G/R): G50/R50G50/R50
Screen Adjustment:Screen Fit (or as needed)Screen Fit (or as needed)
   3D Mode:As needed
   3D Effect:Auto
   L/R Image:L/R
   3D 2D:Off
   3D Auto View:On
   3D Optimize:0
Advanced Settings
   Black Tone:OffOff
   Dynamic Contrast: LowMedium
   Gamma:0 0 or +1
   Expert PatternsOffOff
   RGB Only Mode: As neededAs needed
   Color Space: Custom*Auto
White Balance:
   Offset: Red 25 25
Green 25 25
Blue 2437
   Gain: Red 19 10
Green 27 25
Blue 256
10p White Balance: Not neededN/A
Flesh Tone: 00
Edge Enhancement: OffOff
Motion Lighting:OffOff
Picture Options
   Color Tone: Warm2Warm2
   Digital Noise Filter: OffOff
   MPEG Noise Filter: Off Off
   HDMI Black Level: LowNormal
Film Mode: CinemaCinema
*Custom Color Space
Red39 26 3 55 28 50
Green 6 46 6 50 50 12
Blue5 0 40 5 56 80

ScubaCA's picture

Could someone post the calibrations settings you guys used for the samsung like you did with the panasonic?

peterson_bp's picture

In the magazine it says to go the the website to see the picture settings used in this review. I'm not seeing the settings posted anywhere. Am I missing something? Please post the settings. Thanks.

Sackrat's picture

I am a Home Theater subscriber. I am looking for the review's calibration settings for the Samsung PN59D8000. Please post the settings. Thanks in advance.

HTDPFL's picture

I recently purchased the Samsung PN59D8000 and noticed an annoying level of plasma buzzing especially evident at low volume levels when sitting directly in front of the display at a distance of 12 feet. I've read that other users have noticed this buzzing but was it apparent during the review of this unit?

Thomas Adams's picture

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