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Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jan 03, 2014  | 
You’re going to find this hard to believe, but even I make mistakes. I cover this stuff for a living, and in my personal tech life I screwed up some things in 2013.

I’d like to think I can learn from my mistakes, and like any “teaching moment,” I figured I’d share a few of these semi-painful revelations in the hopes you won’t suffer the same fates.

Doug Newcomb  |  Mar 26, 2012  | 

TIME BEHIND the wheel can be a therapeutic escape from modern life's 24/7 connectivity, but that's about to change. At the 2012 CES, automakers, car-electronics suppliers, and wireless carriers announced alliances and initiatives that will make the fully connected car a reality.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jul 30, 2013  | 

Aiming to ensure Ultra HD 4K looks as good as it can, Technicolor has launched 4K Image Certification. The first product to get certified is Marseille Network’s scaler tech.

Fellow Tech2er Brent Butterworth and I headed to Hollywood for an eyes-on demonstration.

Lauren Dragan  |  Jan 31, 2014  | 
Okay, it’s the end of January. Be honest: how are you doing with your New Year Resolutions? Stop groaning. I know, it’s hard. Good habits are tough to build, and life has a sneaky way of creating obstacles on the path towards good intentions. But never fear, I have a few tech ideas that might just help you kick start your resolve. Pick a resolution to learn how.
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jun 18, 2012  | 

I recently got back from three weeks camping/backpacking in South Africa. For anyone who knows me, my using those verbs in the same sentence as “I” will be rather shocking.

Only sporadically near power, and often on the go, I was, with some careful preparation (and ongoing trial and error), able to use my iPod, watch TV shows and videos, and take over 2,000 photos, all without tech incident.

So with the summer travel season upon us, follow these tips and don’t miss a photo, track, or clip.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jul 10, 2015  | 
I have seen Terminator: Genisys and I have some thoughts on it.

I don’t want to spoil anything for you, so you’ll have to click through for a even just a spoiler-free review.

Below that, I’ll dive in a bit more in a very spoilery way.

Brent Butterworth  |  May 25, 2012  | 

If I were forced to choose between the $20K worth of audio test gear I own or the demo CD that cost me probably 20 cents to make, I’d take the latter without hesitation. Test gear is great for telling me how well an audio product is engineered. But when I want to find out what an audio product does — i.e., how a listener will perceive its sound — the demo CD is a much better tool.

Brent Butterworth  |  Mar 19, 2013  | 

When we think about how electronics products are developed, we might imagine huge teams of faceless engineers, executives embroiled in endless discussions in elaborate conference rooms, and an almost Kafkaesque process that no one person really understands or controls.

Brent Butterworth  |  Dec 31, 2012  | 

With hundreds of new headphones coming out last year, S+V got so wrapped up in product reviews that we never got around to covering what I think is probably 2012's most important audio story: a recent research project that should augment the audio world's spotty understanding of how headphones should be voiced.

Brent Butterworth  |  Sep 13, 2011  | 

To me, the most exciting and revolutionary home theater product at the CEDIA Expo wasn't a new speaker or projector or HDMI-over-CAT5 solution.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Apr 11, 2015  | 
This week, Disney (and Fox, don’t forget) released all 3 Star Wars films for digital download.

Also, six hours of unnecessary prolog drivel.

Except, I say that, and even I have to admit (bile rising) the prequels are canon.

For a lot of people, this will be the first chance to re-watch the films, having bypassed the Blu-rays, or perhaps even lack a Blu-ray player. So what’s the best way to watch them? Or, perhaps you want to show someone the second (first?) best fantasy series of all time who hasn’t seen it before.

Turns out, there is a best way. It’s called The Machete Order.

Lauren Dragan  |  Jul 11, 2014  | 
We live in an amazing time, music-wise. For the first time in history, we can hear virtually any artist, living or deceased, perform for us on a whim, within seconds.

For perspective: if you lived in 1580, to even hear a professional musician you’d need to be a member of a royal court, or a very wealthy household like the Medici family. Fast forward two hundred years, and in 1780 you’d still need to travel great distances at great expense to hear Mozart play. In another two hundred years, 1980, hearing your favorite music meant a trip to the store, purchasing an album (if it was in stock!) and then carrying that album around when you wanted to listen. For four hundred years, access to music took money, effort, and determination.

Yet here we are now, a few clicks away from the stuff of riches and royalty. While on our couch, no less! One would think, at this pinnacle of technological accomplishment, that the recordings we enjoy would be of increasing quality. The better the technology gets, the better the sound, right? Nope.

Brent Butterworth  |  Jan 25, 2012  | 

I almost did it myself. I was listening to "King Contrary Man" from The Cult's Electric, through Phonak Audéo PFE 232 in-ear headphones while sitting in a 757 somewhere over Colorado, trying to get an idea of how well Phonak's PerfectFit design blocks out airplane noise.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Feb 12, 2016  | 
Last year I got all excited about the Syfy channel turning one of my favorite book series into a TV show. I got even more excited when it became clear how much money they were throwing at it. The trailer, too, looked amazing.

So now we’ve had all 10 episodes of the first season of The Expanse. The fact that it got a second season before the first one even aired notwithstanding… how is it?

(Don’t worry, no spoilers)

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 07, 2015  | 
The Sci-Fi Channel (or whatever stupid name they’re calling it now. Siffy or something?) hasn’t had a show worth watching since Battlestar ended its run. Yes, I’m including the horribly squandered premise of Stargate Universe.

With intense hope and prayers to the FSM, that might change with The Expanse premiering in December.

Why am I writing about it now? It’s based on a series of books, and you’ll have time to read them (or some of them) before the show starts, if you want.

Here’s some details about the show and the books.
