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Brent Butterworth  |  Jul 23, 2013  | 

The CEA-2010 subwoofer output measurement lets us separate the great subwoofers from the merely good ones, in a way that’s more reliable and repeatable than traditional measurements or listening tests. However, it’s still not widely used.

Brent Butterworth  |  Jul 23, 2013  | 

The CEA-2010 subwoofer output measurement lets us separate the great subwoofers from the merely good ones, in a way that's more reliable and repeatable than traditional measurements or listening tests. However, it's still not widely used.

Brent Butterworth  |  Jul 23, 2013  | 

The CEA-2010 subwoofer output measurement lets us separate the great subwoofers from the merely good ones, in a way that's more reliable and repeatable than traditional measurements or listening tests. However, it's still not widely used.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jul 30, 2013  | 

Aiming to ensure Ultra HD 4K looks as good as it can, Technicolor has launched 4K Image Certification. The first product to get certified is Marseille Network’s scaler tech.

Fellow Tech2er Brent Butterworth and I headed to Hollywood for an eyes-on demonstration.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jul 30, 2013  | 

It's hard to classify Defense of the Ancients 2, a free-to-play game from Valve. It's part RPG, part RTS, part multiplayer shooter, part lots of things. This month, there were 5.2 million unique players.

The best I can describe it, is if you've ever played a traditional RTS, and recall one of the "hero" levels where you play as just one, uber-strong, character. That's DotA. Sort of. It can be pretty intense, and quite fun, too.

If you keep reading I promise no more unexplained abbreviations.

Brent Butterworth  |  Aug 04, 2013  | 

Has there ever been a headphone brand so controversial as Beats? It’s undeniably popular; just walk around any downtown or airport in any industrialized country and you’re almost sure to see a set. Yet audio enthusiasts—including the ones at Sound & Vision—often deride Beats’ sound quality.

Brent Butterworth  |  Aug 10, 2013  | 

Who among us hasn't wanted to share their music with friends? And who among us hasn't been thankful when headphone-wearing friends weren't able to share their music?

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 15, 2013  | 

Organic Light-Emitting Diode televisions have been perpetually on the horizon for what seems like forever. I remember first writing about the technology when I was at Home Theater magazine, which was multiple jobs ago (and, by the transitive properties, my current one as well).

Like any new technology, these TVs are expensive, but will they be worth it?

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 18, 2013  | 

This may not look like much, but it is a quantum leap in television performance.

In this long-exposure image (note how bright the iPad is in the foreground), you're looking at something incredible.

That TV you see? That TV is on.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Aug 28, 2013  | 

We’ve reviewed a bunch of Epson projectors over the past year or so. The 5020, for example, was an excellent projector. Lots of light output, decent contrast ratio.

The 750HD, on the other hand, offered ridiculous light output (and a not-so-great contrast ratio).

Two new models, just announced, aim to fill some gaps in the sub-$1,000 price range.
