Fred Manteghian

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 06, 2008

Jodu Sally was as upbeat as could be expected. She admitted she had planned to discuss the great strides HD DVD had made in 2007, and continued to highlight HD DVDs many successes from Ethernet connectivity and dual video processing. But beyond that, what can you say. Warner has played its cards.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 06, 2008

What if Nielsen ratings new for SURE what you were watching? I mean, you turn on the TV, go make a sandwich, heck go sking come home, and what have they got? Worse, all those stupid, stupid log books that a) you have to fill out if you're one of the lucky Nielsen families and b) they have to decipher. I'm betting most of them are more "wish list" than reality.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 06, 2008

LG demonstrated what may be the most exciting at the show. Mobile-Pedestrian-Handheld (MPH) technology piggy backs TV broadcasting to handheld mobile phones over fringe portions of existing DTV broadcasts. Working with Harris Corporation, a leader in communication infrastructure technology, you'll be able to watch Seinfield reruns on your phone for free or watch a premium service. While there's no anticipation that this is going to be high-def (hell, I'd settle for the right aspect ratio), it's going to be really, really hot.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 05, 2008

I was actually sad, sad for a consumer electronic company, when I saw what I saw over at the convention center late Saturday afternoon. Toshiba has always been an outstanding company, from the days of making some of the better rear projection (CRT) TVs, to their headlong dive into HD DVD, a format that offered a lot, most importantly, the potential for a single SKU with their Combo format.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 05, 2008

Just before CES 2008, just two days before the HD DVD Promotion Group's press conference, Warner Home Video announced they would end their "format neutrality" by issuing Blu-ray discs exclusively. Releases already slated to come out in both formats would continue to do so through May 2008. After that, not so much.

Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 29, 2007

There isn't much to complain about this year, but that won't stop me.

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 28, 2007

Do you find that others in your home don't bond with electronics as well as you do? Do you get calls at work that start with "how do I . . ." and end with "your [optional expletive deletive] [brand and function of your last electronic purchase]?

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 24, 2007

Saturday morning and the cable modem craps out. I hook up the Blackberry to my laptop and pull over into the truck lane of the Information Highway.

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 15, 2007

So here I sit, my furniture all rearranged like an overcrowded antique store, just so I can be in the sweet spot. It is speaker review time again at the Manteghians.' It takes a long time to break out and set up speakers, and you've lots of boxes to deal with. But the simplicity of a speaker is what is most appealing. No HDMI to DVI handshaking problems, no video cross-coding issues, no 3:2 pulldown. You just sit down and listen to music and watch movies. Of course, it's only enjoyable when the speakers in question sound great – like this Definitive Technology Mythos system does.

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 01, 2007

I remember sitting in a CES press conference sometime in the year $149 D.V.D. listening to Toshiba whine about how no one was making any money selling DVD players any more. But moments later, they were announcing new models with new features and even lower price points. I guess you can't blame them. After all they had a lot of competition back then.
