Seven grand? Seems steep for a RPTV, regardless of tech. You can get a 60" Elite Signature that comes calibrated for that much.Sorry Mits. I thought a selling point of this tech was its relative affordability.This better have a better picture by a wide, wide margin.
Mitsubishi Gets Coherent
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I don't care if it can fly. The only people who will pay that much for a DLP are very wealthy, and they all want super thin flat panels. Don't get me wrong, I love DLP. I own a 61" Samsung with a bulb. But you can get LED sets for about 2 grand at nearly this size. C'mon MITS, do you really think that a laser light source is that much better (than any of the other light sources) to warrant paying 3 times as much for the same size? When pigs can fly...maybe!

I agree... I was hoping to get one of the 73"ers for about 5 grand or less. This tech is supposed to be so much cheaper to produce than others I though 5 grand would have been a good price/profit for the 73" Mits. Let alone the 65" gesh... Apparently they are getting greedy or in a big hurry to regain there R&D dollars. Once the initial early adopters get there’s and sales die off to next to nothing then the prices should drop significantly. At least that’s my hope.. Maybe I can catch one on a 'black Friday' sale somewhere. After I saw that they where 7k I came this close "" to going and getting the Sammy 67" LED. After thinking it over, I've waited/saved for 2 years now.. I should at least wait till they actually come out and read some reviews.. AND HOPE the prices come down to something I can afford.