10 Top Picks to Kick Off Holiday Shopping Page 2

Here are a few more gift items recommended by S&V bloggers, all under $200:

Flipper Big Button Remote Control, $30

The Verdict: The beauty of the Flipper is that a cover on the bottom half of the remote can be slid down to reveal a keypad along with a few programming buttons. When the cover is in place, it’s almost impossible to tell that a hidden section even exists.

Read John Sciacca’s review here.

JBL Horizon Bluetooth Clock Radio, $100

The Verdict: Waking up to an alarm sucks. The JBL Horizon makes it suck a whole lot less. If I can be gently woken first by a soft light followed by the music of my choice, the day is going to start off a whole lot better. This is a no-brainer purchase for your nightstand.

Available on Amazon.com for $89.

Read Leslie Shapiro’s review here.

Roku 4 Streaming Media Player, $130

The Verdict: Picture quality is as stunning as you would expect from 4K. Streaming was smooth and beautiful when I gave movies time to load up front. If you have a 4K TV that supports HDCP 2.2, the Roku 4 is a no brainer at $130

Read Barb Gonzalez’s review here.

Cycliq Fly6 Bike Cam, $170

The Verdict: The people at Cycliq have put a lot of thought into the design and details of what a cyclist would want in a camera. So if you’ve been considering adding some new tech to your trike, the Fly6 is a great place to start.

Available on Amazon.com for $143.

Read Lauren Dragan’s review here.


mtymous1's picture

...this post would make a pregame segment.

In the last two weeks, there have been posts of "Why Hi-Res Audio Will Succeed" (Nov 19) and a "Guide To Hi-Res Audio" (Nov 12) -- however, of these 10 top picks, half of them consist of 3 Bluetooth speakers, a multi-room sound system and media streamer that top out at 48 kHz.