Ayre D-1 DVD/CD player A Progressive Outlook

A Progressive Outlook

Should you automatically assume that you need to pop for the full progressive-scan option in the Ayre? Perhaps not, if your video display requires more than basic 480p for best performance. If that is the case, you'll need an additional outboard scaler anyway, in which case the progressive output on the Ayre might be superfluous. Most outboard scalers won't even accept a 480p input. A few will, and further scale it up to, say, 720p or higher. But in that case, the premium you pay Ayre for the progressive-scan option might be better spent on a better outboard scaler. And if you already own a top-grade scaler such as a Faroudja or a Snell & Wilcox, it's unlikely that you'll need the progressive-scan option in the Ayre—or in any other progressive-scan DVD player, for that matter.—TJN