Best Subwoofers: $1,000 to $4,000

GoldenEar ForceField 5 Subwoofer: $1,000

Build Quality

Summary: The futuristic looking ForceField 5 can deliver floor-shaking bass in a large room with headroom to spare. Reviewer Mark Fleischman observed: “I was dumbfounded by how much bass output the sub could muster.”

Plus: Distinctive looks • Downward firing passive radiator enhances bass extension while avoiding unwanted whistles and sputters
Minus: Could use more adjustability at the lower end of its volume range

Triad InWall Bronze/4 SlimSub: $1,400

Build Quality

Summary: Out of sight but not out of mind, Triad’s Bronze/4 delivers true high-end performance from a low-profile subwoofer designed for in-wall mounting in a retrofit or new construction setting.

Plus: Includes a rack mountable 350-watt DSP amplifier • Installer setup via the Internet • Options for wide, narrow, and frameless grilles • Extensive tuning capabilities, including a six-band parametric equalizer
Minus: Installation may be tricky for the uninitiated

mnc's picture

I'm surprised you didn't include the PSA XV-15 since it won your $800 subwoofer shootout. Also, where is the review for the new HSU?

Bob Ankosko's picture
Our review of the Hsu VTF-15H MK2, which appears in the February/March 2015 print issue, will be posted soon.
mnc's picture

When will you be reviewing the PSA XS30se? I am VERY interested in how it compares to the SVS SB13-Ultra.

MariaJain's picture

These look great! Would they be a good fit for my car? Thinking about getting a new woofer setup. Any recommendations?