Fujitsu Plasmavision SlimScreen PDS-6101 high-definition plasma display Burn-In


Burn-in is the permanent etching of still images onto a display's screen, with the result that they are visible unhappily ever after as ghostly images overlaid on everything you watch. It's a problem with all video displays that use phosphors, including CRTs, though in our judgment it's even more of a problem with plasmas.

But burn-in can be avoided. You just need to be sensible. Don't set the Contrast ridiculously high. If you watch material with black bars, don't do it constantly for days at a time without interjecting a few hours of full-screen operation. And be careful of extended use with stationary images, including video games. The Fujitsu does include a function called a Screen Orbiter that moves the image slightly over time to minimize burn-in, but it functions only through the RGB input.—TJN