Garret’s New House and Sound

Please extend a hearty congratulations to Garret Benoit of Centerton, Arkansas on winning the ZVOX 580 Soundbase in the recent sweepstakes.

Getting touch with Garret was difficult at first. Well, actually upon hearing about his winning, Garret was quite responsive with his paperwork but slow with the follow-up report. What was keeping Mr. Benoit busy? Well, he’s building a new house! This is certainly a worthy excuse.

Garret looks forward to setting up the ZVOX in his new expansive living room plus kitchen. For the time being, the device is located in his bedroom. He feels its powerful sound combined with a high wife acceptance factor will make it a worthy addition to their new home. Garret also enjoyed how simple it was to program the ZVOX using the TV’s remote control. Mr. Benoit, we greatly appreciate your participation and wish you all the best with your new home and ZVOX soundbase.