Lord of the Rings Sweepstakes

"One ring to rule them all." So begins one of the most beloved tales of all time, as told first by J.R.R. Tolkien and later in a blockbuster movie trilogy. To celebrate the release of these movies as separate Blu-ray titles, UltimateAVmag.com is thrilled to offer you the opportunity to win a complete set plus a prize package of collectibles in our Lord of the Rings Sweepstakes.
The winner will receive not only the three movies on Blu-ray, but also a swag bag of collectibles, including a New Zealand jade necklace, an elven ornament, a movie poster, a deck of LOTR playing cards, a travel candle, and two bookmarks, with a total retail value $95.
To enter the sweepstakes, all you need is an account on UltimateAVmag.com. If you don't already have one, click on the link labeled "register" at the bottom of this announcement or "Create new account" in the right column. Then, enter a username and a valid e-mail address, and click on the "Create new account" button. A message will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you specified, which will include a link to activate the account.
The final step (and only step for those who already have an account) is to log in and leave a comment right here on this announcementany comment will do, as long as it's not profane or spam. Then, on October 1, 2010, one lucky commenter will be chosen at random to receive the entire prize package. So post a comment, and may your quest end in victory!
For complete sweepstakes rules, click here.
[This sweepstakes is now closed.]