Grooveshark lets you stream almost any song

Music just got more expensive on just about every MP3 site in the game, so I certainly won't be surprised when more sites pop up offering tunes for free. Grooveshark is simple: Type in the name of the song you want to stream and two clicks later, you're listening to it and others like it. It's sort of similar to The Hype Machine or even parts of Last.FM, but their search functions are far less developed. Sites like this can't be good news for services like Rhapsody, which offers a similar browser-based service as part of its subscription plan. While it can't totally replace buying music, if only because you can't take the tracks with you (and the quality is nothing to write home about) it doesn't bode well for big music. Give the service a shot and see what you can find. I actually came up with some fairly obscure jams I hadn't been able to find on any services.