Mitsubishi WD-73837 DLP Rear-Projection HDTV Settings


Unit-to-unit sample variations, the viewing environment, and the source might render these recommendations less than optimum. They are provided only as a potentially useful starting place.

The settings here that are most likely to translate reliably from one sample to another are those involving specific features with only a few setting options, such as Color Space, Gamma, and Noise Reduction. The ones most likely to be subject to sample variations are video controls offering a wide range of settings. This will be particularly true for color temperature (gray scale) and color management adjustments (where available).

While experimenting with the user menus controls can do no damage and can easily be reset, we do not provide settings for service menu adjustments. Random alterations of such controls without detailed knowledge of what they do may corrupt a set's firmware. This will likely require extensive in-shop repairs that are not covered under the warrantee.

We strongly recommend that you find the optimum basic video settings for your sample by using one of the many display setup DVDs that are available, such as Digital Video Essentials (DVD) or DVE HD Basics (Blu-ray). A full calibration, particularly of the gray scale and color gamut, is best left to a trained and properly equipped technician such as those certified by the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) or THX.

H Picture: 31
V Picture: 31
Deep Field Imager: Off
Super Resolution: Off
Sharp Edge: Off
Video Noise: Off
Brightness: 29
Contrast: 58
Color: 33
Tint: 31
Sharpness: 10
Gamma: 2.2
Red High: 980
Green High: 988
Blue High: 1023
Red Low: 5
Green Low: -2
Blue Low: 0
Red: 11, 0, 0
Green: 0, 29, 0
Blue: 0, 0, 1
Yellow: 16, 15, 1
Cyan: 0, 18, 15
Magenta: 15, 13, 15
Film Mode: Auto
Smooth 120Hz: Off
Lamp Energy: Standard

Mocha6ft3's picture

Good Afternoon. I recently walked into a P.C Richard super store and looked at the new MITSUBISHI 73" rear projection television. The price was under $2,000 and the picture was clear. I was told by the salesman that MITSUBISHI now uses laser view for it visuals.They no longer use the tube or lamp of just a few years ago. While watching this beauty of a visual treat, i sat down and and just appriciated how far rear projections have come. I'm glad MITSUBISHI is still in the game. The screens are larger and more affordable for a guy like me. Thank you.