Mitsubishi WS-73711 73-Inch HDTV HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures: Mitsubishi WS-73711 73-Inch HDTV

The top chart shows the gray scale of the Mitsubishi HDTV as set by the manufacturer in the most accurate menu setting. The set measures 7,500 Kelvin with dark images and leans more toward 6,500 K with brighter images. After making adjustments using the Photo Research PR-650, the gray scale measures within 300 K of D6500, the accurate setting, across most of the range. The bottom chart shows that the primary colors of the display's CRTs match those specified by SMPTE. This means that the display will show all of the colors available in the system. The gray scale leans slightly blue before calibration and is more accurate afterward. The light output was approximately 37 foot-lamberts. The display has decent DC restoration, and its color decoder pushes red slightly. Measurements from our Leader LT-446 test-pattern generator show that the set offers at least 450 horizontal lines (per picture height) with NTSC sources through the composite input in the Narrow (4:3) aspect ratio and the full 525 lines in the Standard (16:9) aspect ratio. The display measures approximately 1,550 horizontal pixels with a 1080i source (see text).—MW

WS-73711 73-Inch HDTV
(800) 332-2119