New Product: TiVo Series 3 HD DVR

Cable viewers who also want their HDTV have found their love affair with TiVo becoming strained the past few years. That's because TiVo's Series 2 recorders, unlike the DVRs leased by cable operators, have proved stubbornly incompatible with high-def channels. Hoping to make amends, TiVo has unveiled the Series 3 HD Digital Media Recorder with two CableCARD slots. By leasing two cards from your cable company (at about $1.75 each per month), you'll be able to screw the coaxial cable directly into the Series 3, bypassing the need for a cable box and an IR emitter. The recorder will have four DTV tuners, two analog tuners, and a 250-gigabyte drive. It will be available later this year at a price to be announced.

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