OmniMount is Thinking Pink

It's October - leaves are changing, beer is pouring, and football is in full swing. But, October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Yup — there's a reason you're seeing pink everywhere you look.

OmniMount — which makes gorgeous home theater furniture solutions — is doing their part to raise money to fight this disease that, if it hasn't already personally touched you, will probably touch you in the future. And they've come up with a great way to raise awareness. 

Right now, you can bid on a one-of-a-kind HOT pink version of the Karim Collection Prism50, designed by Karim Rashid.  The eBay auction ends Monday, October 27th. All the proceeds go to the OmniMount Goes Pink Team that's walking in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Arizona.

Here's what you can do.

Newreallylongproject_04 You can bid on the OmniMount on eBay here.  If you're not interested in the pink OmniMount, just make a donation. Just do something.

Think about eight women in your life. Your mother, grandmothers, wife, best friend, sisters, daughters, nieces. One out of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Men too. One in 1,000. In the United States, 450 men will die from breast cancer this year. Real men wear pink.

What am I doing to help? I leave on Thursday for my second Breast Cancer 3-Day walk this year. Third year in a row. What are you gonna do? —Leslie Shapiro
