Pioneer Elite PRO-510HD HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures: Pioneer Elite PRO-510HD TV

The chart above shows the gray scale (or color temperature) of the Pioneer PRO-510HD HD-ready TV and the color points of the display's red, green, and blue tubes. The gray scale measures between 7,000 and 9,000 Kelvin as set by the manufacturer in the movie/film setting. After making adjustments using the Photo Research SR-650, the gray scale tracked reasonably close to the industry standard of D6500 K, although the image drifts red with medium-intensity images (middle gray) and more blue with darker images. The red and blue colors that make up the picture meet or exceed those colors specified by SMPTE. Green is close and only slightly cyan compared with what it should be. The light output was approximately 32 foot-lamberts on a 15-percent-white window and about 28 ft-L on a full-white screen. This indicates a reasonably strong power supply. The display has good DC restoration and an accurate color decoder.—MW

Elite PRO-510HD $6,300
Rear-Projection Television
Pioneer Electronics
Dealer Locator Code PIO

Elite PRO-510HD