...in other words, these people are not interested in UHD and can be lumped with "1080p is good enough."
Poll Recap: Love of Plasma Endures
Plasma may be dead but it’s not buried. In response to last week’s poll question—What kind of TV do you plan to buy next?—just over a third of the respondents indicated that they plan to hold onto currently owned plasma TVs for the foreseeable future. Beyond that, 4K/Ultra HD LED/LCD TVs with a flat screen received the most votes (28 percent), followed by Ultra HD OLED which grabbed a 19 percent share. Here’s the complete breakdown:
36% I love my plasma TV and plan to stick with it for the foreseeable future
28% Ultra HD LED/LCD TV with a flat screen
19% Ultra HD OLED (curved screen)
10% 1080p LED/LCD TV is good enough for me
4% 1080p OLED TV (curved screen)
3% Ultra HD LED/LCD TV with a curved screen
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The Walking Dead Plasmas
Submitted by mzaborow on March 16, 2015 - 5:15pm
Maybe when TV manufacturers and content providers get their act together to provide compatible technologies at the same time, I'll consider dumping my ZT60 and 1080p for something "better".
Sticking with plasma...
Submitted by funambulistic on March 19, 2015 - 6:16pm
I recently bought a Samsung PN51F8500 to replace my five-year-old Panny 42" plasma. The picture is absolutely stunning and, if in five years, OLED 4Ks (flat) are commonplace, then I will consider...