Samsung HW-K950 Soundbar System Review Test Bench

Test Bench


This graph shows the quasi-anechoic (employing close-miking of all woofers) frequency response of the HW-K950 Sound Bar System (purple trace) and subwoofer (blue trace). The left channel was measured with grille at a distance of 1 meter.

The HW-K950 Sound Bar System’s listening-window response (a five-point average of axial and +/–15-degree horizontal and vertical responses) measures + 4.02 /– 2.43 decibels from 200 hertz to 10 kilohertz. The –3dB point is at 145 Hz, and the –6dB point is at 131 Hz.

The subwoofer’s close-miked response, normalized to the level at 80 Hz, indicates that the lower –3dB point is at 40 Hz and the –6dB point is at 35 Hz. The upper –3dB point is at 112 Hz.—MJP

(800) 726-7864

Oldsnwbrdr's picture

This soundbar downgrades DTS to 2.0, a major con. This is a surprising omission in this review.

eaadams's picture

This soundbar also can not pass hdr and few TV's can pass Atmos down via optical/arc. And agreed the 2 channel DTS really sucks.