Samsung LN-T4671F LCD TV User Interface

User Interface
The remote is much the same as earlier models—long and skinny with the ability to control up to four devices other than the TV. The Volume Up/Down, Channel Up/Down, Mute, and TV buttons are illuminated, but none of the others are, making them difficult to find in the dark.

As usual for universal TV remotes, you must select inputs with a single Source button rather than dedicated input buttons. Even worse, the button cycles through the inputs—you can't even select the one you want from an onscreen list. At least it cycles through only the active inputs, which reduces the time spent looking for the desired input.

I really like the menu system, which is much better than the one in Samsung's earlier TVs. The picture controls are now the first things to appear when you press the Menu button, rather than being several layers deep.

Of particular interest is the Size (aspect ratio) control, which includes a setting called Just Scale that maps the pixels in a 1080i/p signal to the screen's pixels in a 1:1 relationship. This eliminates any cropping on the edges of the image and avoids any overscan scaling, which can soften the picture and cause other visible artifacts.