Even if a totally Dark room treatment (still, by far, the ideal) is not desired, the color and reflectivity treatment is still critical. Kodak gray is still the best alternative wall treatment. The worst would be canary yellow, as has been featured in past Audio/Video Interiors Magazine issues. For watching a title like Fargo, canary yellow is likely to render snowy opening scene as urine yellow! Color neutrality still counts big time!
Screen Innovations Black Diamond II HD Projection Screen HT Labs Measures
The following measurements were taken in a darkened room to evaluate the basic performance of the Black Diamond II HD, apart from its light rejection properties.
Changing screens will always demand recalibration of your projector, and the Black Diamond is no exception. The color tracking for the JVC DLA-X3, as calibrated on my StudioTek 130 screen, is shown in Figure 1. Changing to the Black Diamond without altering the settings produced the results in Figure 2, showing a clear blue shift. But a recalibration (Figure 3) cleared this up completely, making the Black Diamond’s color tracking the equal of the StudioTek 130.
Hot-spotting, which is inevitable on any screen with gain, was only marginally more evident on critical viewing than on the StudioTek. Changes in the color tracking as I moved the measurement point off center was also comparable on both screens, though not identical. Such differences include both the screen and the projector, although the latter is a constant here for both screens.
At roughly 30 degrees off axis, the peak brightness from the Black Diamond was down by about 56 percent from what it was on axis, compared to about 18 percent from a StudioTek 130. While less visible than it sounds, this could still be an issue for a viewer seated 45 to 60 degrees off center.
Even when the Black Diamond was set up to be about 15 percent brighter than the StudioTek at a center seat, it was about 20 percent dimmer than the StudioTek (measured at screen center) for a viewer seated 30 degrees off axis.—TJN
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*Initially, I found this compelling; the Black Diamond in a darkened room suggested the coming of an 80-inch Pioneer KURO.
*Yes, a more conventional screen will serve better if you do most of your watching in the dark.
OK,I'm confused about your comments above. First, you state that in a darkened room it suggests the coming of an 80 in Pioneer Kuro, but yet you state that a conventional screen will be better watching in the dark. So will a conventional screen also rival and Kuro with your projector?
Can you elaborate on this? I too have a room with similar specs as yours but is totally light controlled. Im thinking of getting a Black Diamond but I now question if that's a good idea since I watch most of my movies in the dark. Is there a better screen for light controlled environments?

The screen fastens to the frame with small bungees that slip through holes in the edge of the stiff screen material and attach to small plastic posts on the back of the frame.

Thanks for the content you shared. Tradie Directory