The Ghost of a Machine (October 2006) Despite an onslaught of new displays, CRTs just won't die

Thanks for the Memories (July/August 2006) The short, sad lives of DAT, DCC, MD ... and SACD

In Search of the Lossless Chord (June 2006) Let 'er rip with bit-accurate audio encoding

MPEG-2 vs. MPEG-4? (May 2006) Beware of video codecs in shining armor

Digital Silk Purse? (April 2006) New Dolby functions may improve low- and mid-fi gear

Maxing Out Resolution (February/March 2006) Optimize Your Seating Distance For Your Screen Size.

The Progressive Tradeoff (January 2006) What makes 720p broadcasts look different?

Smooth Operator (December 2005) A Computer Program Eliminates DVD-Movie Judder

The Missing Link (November 2005) Data protection gone berserk stymies HDMI hookups

Bits at the Bijou (October 2005) Hollywood releases a standard for digital cinemas

Roll Your Own HDTV (September 2005) Now any Tom, Dick & Harry Rockefeller Can shoot in HD

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