At $250, that's a steal. Do to it what I did to my Altec music center (or whatever they called it - 40wpc receiver & Garrard tt (SL95 iirc), all in one piece) when the tt's auto mechanism got glitchy: take it out and drop in something newer. I got a Dual 1245 (still have it, in a box somewhere), removed the Garrard and put a piece of plywood over the hole with the phono cables sticking out, and plugged it in. Worked fine. The KLH, like the Altec did, already has a MM phono preamp. And keep the old tt around; if you ever sell the unit off again, you'll probably want to reinstall the original.
Text from the KLH Model Nineteen Sell Sheet
The KLH Model Nineteen is a complete, high-performance stereo music system in remarkably compact and inexpensive form. Like other KLH Products, the Model Nineteen uses a minimum of visible apparatus to fill a living room with music. Simple and tasteful in appearance, it requires very little valuable living space. Yet it equals or surpasses the musical quality of many highly complex sound systems, and offers all of the features likely to be need by the critical listener.
The Nineteen is versatile enough to serve as the basis for a complete home-entertainment center. It can accommodate mono and stereo records, conventional and stereo FM broadcasts, and (through inputs for associated equipment) tape recordings, AM broadcasts, or the sound portion of television transmissions. Outputs are provided for making tape records of records or broadcasts, and stereo headphones may be substituted for loudspeakers at the speaker outputs. A small group of highly effective controls provide complete adjustment of mono or stereo program material to the requirements of the listener and acoustics of a room.
The advanced circuitry of the Model Nineteen takes maximum advantage of transistor characteristics, using transistors to provide high power and a high order of performance in a compact instrument, but also to assure dependable operation that does not deteriorate with age. With periodic attention to its turntable and stylus assemblies, the Model Nineteen will sound new for years to come — with little or no need for the usual kinds of servicing or adjustment.
The components and capabilities of the Model Nineteen are described on the reverse of this sheet. The usual facts and figures, however, do not fully describe or explain its distinctive sound quality. This quality is notable for its smoothness lack of false color, and music — rather than electronic — character. The sound of the Nineteen is the product of advanced, thoroughly integrated design. It is also the result of KLH’s unique ability to concentrate — through the design and manufacture in its own plant of critical parts of all its products — on the factors most affecting musical performance.
We urge you to measure the Model Nineteen critically against your own needs. It provides performance of expensive complex sound equipment in a simple and logical form. It is a handsome, unobtrusive, and tasteful addition to a living room. Most important, it has the ability to “free music from the mechanism” — to allow you to listen to the music itself rather than to the equipment. This, we think, is what you will value most in your own living room.
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