Toshiba 52XF550U LCD TV Specifications


Screen size: 52"
Pixel resolution: 1920x1080
1:1 mode at 1080i/p? Yes
Accept 1080p? Yes (60, 24)
Display 1080p/24 at: 120Hz
Refresh rate: 120Hz
Response time: 8ms or less
Video inputs: 3 HDMI (1.3), 2 component, 1 S-video, 2 composite, 1 VGA, 1 RF
Other connections: 1 IR out, 1 optical digital audio out
Dimensions (WxHxD): 47.8" x 32.1" x 13.0" (w/stand), 47.8" x 29.9" x 6.0" (w/o stand)
Weight: 118.1 lbs (w/stand), 102.5 lbs (w/o stand)
Warranty: 1 year, parts & labor
Price: $3300

Manufacturer Info

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