My box gives me settings from 480i to 1080i. The local stations broadcast their signals over the air @1080i, so I've set the box accordingly. NO idea what cable channels themselves transmit at, so just how does one go about figuring out this native format business anyway?
Video Oppo-timization
Q. I recently bought an Oppo BDP-103 Blu-ray player. A key reason for buying it was to connect a cable TV box to the Oppo’s HDMI input and tap the player’s superior video processing to improve TV picture quality. Will it be necessary to set the equipment up in such a way as to avoid the TV’s video processing? Also, if it’s necessary to bypass the TV’s video processing, how do I do it? (In your review of the Oppo BDP-105, you dealt with a comparable issue involving audio signal processing by using a preamp that had a pass-through input.)
—Doug Crowley / Santa Monica, CA
A. Yes, there are some setup steps you’ll need to take if you want the Oppo to handle all processing of video signals coming from your cable box. The first will be to run HDMI from the box to the player as you’ve described. Next, go into the Oppo’s Video Setup menu and configure it for 1080p output resolution (or 4Kx2K if you’re using a new Ultra HD display). You’ll also need to configure the cable box to output signals over HDMI in their native format (i.e., 480i, 720p, 1080i) so they don’t get upscaled by the cable box first before being fed to the Oppo. One more suggestion: Since you’re now going to be using the Oppo as a switcher to toggle between Blu-ray and cable sources, it will be a good idea to create optimized picture-settings memories (i.e. color, tint, brightness, sharpness, noise reduction) for both. This is something you can do using either the TV’s own picture adjustments, or the ones found in the Oppo player’s Video Setup menu.
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You have explained how
to change the cable/satellite box native resolution. I would like to know how to by pass the video processing on my Sharp 70" with the oppo as the source. I thought that is what Doug was asking.
As long as your TV is a 1080p display (assuming it is), then if you set the Oppo to output the video at 1080p, no processing should be done by your TV.
What about users who route all their HDMI sources into a home theater receiver, such as my NAD T-747, for control before passing the signals into the TV? Now there are four actors in the game: the cable box, the Oppo, the receiver's processor and the TV. I always get confused when you have to change settings between multiple components. Which one should get priority?
I get confusing info from Oppo and their manual about connecting the Oppo directly to my (Panasonic) tv. Aside from my DTV sat that isI connected directly to my Pioneer VSX 52 receiver the Oppo is the only other component in the chain. If I connect the Oppo HDMI 1 out to the tv HDMI 1 in, where do I re-connect the existing HDMI 1 from tv to HDMI out on my receiver?
Thank you.
I have an OPPO BDP-105 Blu Ray player, a Marantz AV 7701 pre-amp, five 100 wpc Marantz mono block amps, Definitive Technology BP 2002 RF and LF speakers, DefTech BP 2000 center channel, and a Pioneer 50" plasma.
Question: Given the rave reviews of the organic DACs in the OPPO, how would you recommend I set my system up to optimize audio performance/sound quality? Should I bypass my Marantz AV-7701 and hook the OPPO up directly to my mono-block amps, or should I use the HDMI hook ups available on my Marantz and run everything through the pre-pro?