ViewSonic N3200w LCD HD Monitor HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures: ViewSonic N3200w LCD HD Monitor

Full-On/Full-Off Contrast Ratio—548:1; ANSI Contrast Ratio—511:1

Measured Resolution with the Leader LT-446: 480: 440 (per picture height) 720p/1080i: 720 (pph) 1080i: Out to the limits of the panel

DC Restoration (poor, average, good, excellent): Excellent

Color Decoder (poor, average, good, excellent): Good (Component) / Average (DVI)

Measured Color Points: Red Color Point: x=0.631, y=0.318 Green Color Point: x=0.282, y=0.594 Blue Color Point: x=0.143, y=0.076

The left chart shows the N3200w's gray scale relative to its color temperature at various levels of intensity, or brightness (20 IRE is dark gray; 100 IRE is bright white). The blue trace is the set color temperature, as set by the factory, on the component input. On darker images it is extremely cool, while on brighter images it is less (though still very) cool. The red trace is the color temperature on the DVI input using the nature color temperature mode. The darkest of images are the warmest, while mid levels are cooler, with the brightest images starting to become warmer. After making adjustments using the Photo Research PR-650 and the DVI input (there were no color temperature adjustments on the component input), the gray scale measures significantly better, within 576 Kelvin of D6500, the accurate color temperature, across the entire range.

The right chart shows the gray scale (or color temperature) relative to the color points of the display's red, green, and blue color filters. These are somewhat close to those specified by SMPTE. Green is somewhat bluish-green, blue is slightly oversaturated and very slightly greenish-blue, while red is undersaturated and slightly purplish-red.

Using a full-field 100-IRE white (161 foot-lamberts) and a full-field 0-IRE black (0.294 ft-L), the contrast ratio was 548:1 on the DVI input (being the closest in color temperature to D6500). Using a 16-box checkerboard pattern (ANSI contrast), the contrast ratio was 511:1. The full-on/full-off contrast ratio on the component input was 455:1.—GM

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