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Bewitched—Columbia TriStar
Audio: 3
Extras: 3
Join me if you will for a walk down memory lane, to a time when women dressed in pastels and got jobs as the leads in TV shows just because they could wrinkle their noses cutely.
The 1.85:1 anamorphic picture looks good, but some of the effects, like Michael Caine's face on the Jolly Green Giant can in chapter 12, exhibited a few digital artifacts. In the same scene, though, the bright-yellow Gorton's seafood package looks intense, rich, and clean. On the audio side, the Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack delivers the dialogue well, and the big-band Frank Sinatra sendup of "Witchcraft" revs up nicely. Of course, if you're looking for something to show off your surrounds or your sub, you're not going to be reaching for this disc anyway.
Special features are numerous and fun. The trivia feature has tidbits that pop up throughout the movie, but they would've done better to stick to strictly Bewitched-related trivia. (Do we really need to know, for example, that the Hollywood sign used to read "Hollywoodland"?) There's also a cute Bewitched trivia game, making-of featurettes, and commentaries. In all, this is a pretty decent effort, aided and abetted by special care taken with the extras.
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