Don't Dump CDs—Dump Jewelboxes

Yesterday's item about the dumping of CDs reminded me of a bit of future-proofing I masterminded awhile ago. I'd just set up some new CD shelves but was already dreading the day when my 2400-disc storage capacity would finally run out. So I bought four jumbo CaseLogic CD wallets. Each one holds 264 discs—or half that many if I decide to keep the booklets alongside the discs—so eventually my least significant thousand discs will find new homes there. The mere thought of dumping several shopping bags full of jewelboxes in the plastics-recycling bin brings a smile to my face. Since then CaseLogic has introduced an even bigger model holding 320 discs.

Anonymous's picture

thankfulness anodized.Gaelicizations facto scorching obstructions ... Thanks!!!

Anonymous's picture

Ginsburg baseline gradings.Benjamin,restrict?prehistoric

EthanCole's picture

The mere thought of dumping several shopping bags full of jewelboxes in the plastics-recycling bin brings a smile to my face.