I suspect the format war is far from over, but near my home, personal observation seems to indicate that Blu-Ray should win, which I find surprising given HD-DVD's initial lead. Blu-Ray has only really entered the picture the last couple of months. First, Disney is behind Blu-Ray, and my kids know all about Blu-Ray from recent Disney DVD's, and are asking me when are we getting "Blu." What about HD-DVD I ask. "Who?" Second, at my local Best Buy, the Blu-Ray titles are starting to crowd out the HD-DVD titles, and by quite a bit. Also, on nearly every visit since Christmas I see people buying Blu-Ray discs (and always more than one at that). This is no doubt due to Sony's PS3. I haven't seen anyone buy an HD-DVD disc. At this point, it seems that all Blu-Ray need to do to end the war is get some of the non-PS3 players down below $500 (and soon) to end Toshiba's dominance in that area. The studios will eventually go where the sales are and that should end this little war.
Has HD DVD Beaten Blu-ray?
How much bad news has analyst Rob Enderle got for the Blu-ray camp? On top of all that other bad news? Let me count the blows:HD DVD players sell for half ($500) the cost of Blu-ray players ($1000+).
HD DVD movie prices average $5 less.
Some have the advantage of a standard-def DVD side for compatibility.
They're selling better on Amazon.
The year-end installed base of HD DVD equipped Xboxes will beat PS3 twentyfold.
PS3, of course, is having shipping problems.
Blu-ray supporter HP has defected, introducing a $100 HD DVD drive upgrade.
Enderle's conclusion: "With a 4x to 6x advantage by year end, you'd have to conclude that HD-DVD has reached a point where it can’t lose and Blu-Ray is only now in a position to ensure both platforms lose." Blu-ray, he says, will survive "only for PS3 games and high-end optical backup." He urges readers to follow the advice of HD Now and petition for a single format. He admits, though, that in the past he's bet on Blu-ray. And there are still plenty of other things Sony does right.
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