Blockbuster Gets Warner Titles Faster

If you want to rent Warner Bros. movies from Netflix or Redbox, you'll have to wait till they've been available for sell-through for 28 days. Unless, that is, you rent at Blockbuster, which has cut a unique deal with the studio.

The first titles to be affected by the pact will be The Blind Side on March 23 and Sherlock Holmes on March 30. They'll be available in brick-and-mortar stores, by mail, and via Blockbuster-approved streaming devices. Both Blu-ray and DVD are covered.

Crowed CEO James W. Keyes: "This agreement reinforces Blockbuster's position as the most convenient source for new movies, and we are pleased to offer our customers the opportunity to get hot new movies as soon as they are released. This gives Blockbuster a full four week lead before either kiosk or other subscription services can offer any Warner Bros. titles."

This modest hit of good news comes amid Blockbuster's mounting financial woes.

See press release.