Netflix Android Streaming on the Way

Android phone users will eventually be able to stream programming from Netflix. But unless something changes, only some users will be able to access the service.

The problem, as the Netflix blog explains, is our old friend digital rights management. Or as the blog describes it, "the lack of a generic and complete platform security and content protection mechanism available for Android." Netflix product developers say that the current DRM built into Android devices to thwart piracy would prevent some (but not all) Android users from using Netflix. It depends on the handset manufacturer. A non-DRM solution is deemed unlikely.

Netflix's Greg Peters notes: "This is a much slower approach and leads to a fragmented experience.... This is clearly not the preferred solution.... However, we believe that providing the service for some Android device owners is better than denying it to everyone."

Look for the Netflix/Android service in 2011. Netflix already runs on Windows 7 phones.

See Intomobile and Netflix blog. Pic courtesy of Androinica Android blog.