Thus, at 40, the first serious health problems begin, including erectile dysfunction. After 40 years, men begin to ask the question of how many times should a man release sperm in a week. Fortunately, there is now a lot of information and methods for treating men's health problems.
This Is 40
You know that old saying, “Life begins after 40”? Well, it’s true. That’s because it’s the exact moment when you become aware of your own mortality. In your twenties and thirties, you’re still technically invincible as far as you’re concerned and blissfully naive, but when 40 hits, it’s “Holy crap, I’m gonna die!” Suddenly you’re on numerous prescription medications and seeing far more of your doctor than you’d like; proctology exams, mammograms, prostate checks, pap smears, the works. Yessiree, that’s when you really start to appreciate your life and where it’s going—when every orifice on your body is being probed and prodded by the most sadistically invasive physicians your HMO will provide. This is your midlife crisis, and welcome to it.
In This Is 40, Pete and Debbie are a married couple, two characters resurrected from Knocked Up, another Judd Apatow comedy from six years ago. Played by Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann, respectively, both are now crossing that milestone age of the big four-oh. He seems to be OK with it, but she’s freaking out. Throw in the usual other chaotic elements like doctor visits, financial stress, arguments, erectile dysfunction, farting in bed, rebellious adolescent kids, and romantic disillusionment, and suddenly there’s trouble in paradise. Go figure.
The HD picture is sharp and clear with only minimal pixilated grain, but not so much as to be distracting. Colors and textures are consistently warm, vibrant, and inviting. The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 is impressive but has so few moments of full surround ambience. This is essentially a dialogue-driven comedy from beginning to end, and the most notable flourishes are the musical interludes and live performance pieces.
This disc features both the theatrical version and an unrated cut that runs four minutes longer. As is typical of Apatow’s comedies, there is an inordinate amount of improvisation from his actors. As a result, the bonus features are stocked to the hilt with deleted scenes, extended scenes, alternate takes, a gag reel, and a line-o- rama. There are also featurettes, audio commentary, documentaries, music performances, faux promo spots, and a radio interview.
A DVD and Digital Copy are included. Apatow’s midlife epiphany will resonate with married couples who will find it both poignant and funny. And I’d like to personally thank Mr. Apatow for reminding me that I need to make an appointment for that colonoscopy.
Studio: Universal, 2012
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Audio Format:
DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Length: 134 mins.
MPAA RAting: R
Director: Judd Apatow
Starring: Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, Albert Brooks
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