Hisense Laser TV 4K DLP Projector Review Settings


Picture mode Theater
Light level 17
Brightness 51
Contrast 41
Color 41
Tint 0
Sharpness 1
HDMI 2.0 format Enhanced
Advanced picture options
Overscan Off
Color temperature Low
Motion Off
Judder Off
Digital noise reduction Low
Active contrast Off
Gamma 1
RGB Only Off
Color Tuner:
Hue -1
Saturation 1
Brightness 1
Hue 3
Saturation 4
Brightness 0
Hue 1
Saturation 0
Brightness 0
Hue 0
Saturation 9
Brightness 0
Hue 0
Saturation 2
Brightness 0
Hue 0
Saturation 1
Brightness 0
White Balance (2-point)
R Gain 0
G Gain -1
B Gain 0
R Offset 0
G Offset 0
B Offset 0
White Balance (10-point):
Level: 10
Red 0
Green 0
Blue 0
Level: 20
Red -2
Green -2
Blue -2
Level: 30
Red 0
Green 0
Blue 0
Level: 40
Red 0
Green 0
Blue 0
Level: 50
Red 0
Green 0
Blue 0
Level: 60
Red 0
Green 0
Blue 0
Level: 70
Red 0
Green 0
Blue -2
Level: 80
Red 0
Green -1
Blue -2
Level: 90
Red 0
Green -1
Blue 0
Level: 100
Red 0
Green 0
Blue 0
HDMI Video Range Enhanced
Deinterlacing Film/Auto

drny's picture

Hisense has provided a glimpse into what could be a great large screen (100" and above) alternative with its Swiss knife approach to UST projector.
I'm hoping that in particular Epson finally gives us a true 4k laser projector that comes in at $5,000. It doesn't have to be a UST, but it looks like that would be the way to go to attract a larger market.
Those of us who preffer a dedicated dark room Home Theater, might just jump on a great UST 4k Laser projector.

XBolter's picture

Thank you being the first to review this projector/TV. I have been looking for a review of it everywhere and this is the only one so far. I've been trying to decide if this might be a good option for my dedicated theater room. The Sony UST at $25k (plus the cost of a screen) is out of my price range, and the largest reasonable big screen TV is only 85" (Sony X900F). I'm hoping the Hisense 100" UST might be a decent alternative to these two options but $10k is still a lot to risk on a new product from a company I don't know much about.
Thanks again for reviewing this product it will help me make a decision going forward. I think I might hold off for a few more months and see what comes out around October.

jaketillerson's picture

I have been looking at this model and debating if it's worth it. Since I just bought a Kaleidescape, I want something to match that quality.