Panasonic PT-AE2000U LCD Projector Settings

Keep in mind that unit-to-unit sample variations, the viewing environment, and the source might render these recommendations less than optimum. They are provided merely as a starting place, and won't necessarily be the best settings for your situation.

We strongly recommend that you confirm the results on your sample by using one of the many display setup DVDs that are available, such as Digital Video Essentials. This will help you to set the user video controls correctly. Precision tools and an experienced calibrator, however, are still needed to precisely dial in the color temperature.

Picture Mode: Color1
Contrast: +8
Brightness: +4
Color: 0
Tint: 0
Sharpness: -1
Color Temperature: 0
Dynamic Iris: On
Advanced Menu
Gamma High: 0
Gamma Mid: 0
Gamma Low: 0 or -1
Contrast R: 0
Contrast G: 0
Contrast B: +2
Brightness R: 0
Brightness G: 0
Brightness B: +1
NR: 0
Detail Clarity: On
Overscan: 0
Keystone: 0
HDMI Signal Level: Normal
Lamp Power: Normal

Panasonic Projector Systems Company, Unit of Panasonic Corporation of North America
(201) 392-6591