Fred Manteghian Blog

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Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 16, 2007  | 

I really regretted not being able to go to CES this year. While CEDIA may be more tailored to UltimateAVmag's beat, CES is still the big dog of consumer electronic shows and I missed not getting bitten.

Fred Manteghian  |  Oct 09, 2006  | 

I think there were nine stories in this store in Tokyo's Electric Town area. One floor had a Tower Records on it. Another floor had musical instruments, toys, and yet another record store. If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 05, 2008  | 

Just before CES 2008, just two days before the HD DVD Promotion Group's press conference, Warner Home Video announced they would end their "format neutrality" by issuing Blu-ray discs exclusively. Releases already slated to come out in both formats would continue to do so through May 2008. After that, not so much.

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 04, 2006  | 

When my favorite work lamp (relegated to laundry room duty – harrumph!) bit the dust electrically, I pulled it out of the trash and set it aside as a future project. But last weekend when I was out to replace the Grado Reference Sonata cartridge, a cartridge whose interaction with my VPI Aries turntable motor is legion, at least in my mind, the lamp lent a helping hand. I'm about to embark on a series of blogs about converting vinyl to various forms digital, I couldn't have any hum. Or buzz.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 02, 2007  | 

The consumer electronics industry has done a pretty lousy job of educating everyone on new audio and video technology. And by "industry," I mean manufacturers, their marketing arms, and even journalists, though none at UltimateAV. Start with your newspapers of record. Michael Fremer has palpitations reading the New York Times audio / video coverage (I get the same effect from their Op-ed page!).

Fred Manteghian  |  Oct 09, 2006  | 

Toshiba can offer you an HD-DVD player with a full terabyte of data, the ability to burn HD-DVDs, Japanese hi-def and NTSC tuners, oh yeah, and the user manual that will have you scratching your head until your credit card bill comes. $3,100.

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 16, 2006  | 

<i>The following is the 2nd installment in our ongoing </i>Tales from the Front Lines <i> war coverage series by investigative reporter Fred Manteghian, currently embedded with the 1080th Progressives (not really) division, somewhere near the front lines.</i>

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 12, 2008  | 

I'll admit, when Circuit City proposed, and then shoddily implemented, something called <a href="" target="new">Divx</a>, as an alternative to the just born and still struggling DVD format, I did wish things upon them that only Johnny Carson's Carnac the Magnificent could have imagined. You know, things like "May the fleas of a thousand camels nest in your shorts." Divx discs were designed around the rental model, except without the hassle of a return. Buy them for $4 and you could watch them for 48 hours after the first play. You could buy a few more days at a later date, or convert them to "silver" for some other higher price. In the end though, they would be unplayable landfill. Of course such Tom Foolery required a dedicated Divx player which, if you were foolish enough to buy one, would now join the discs at the landfill. I've never seen such corporate "hey-that's-a-great-idea-nah-forget-it"-ism before. In about six months, Divx had come and gone.

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 21, 2006  | 

That's right. It's my birthday. Fifty years ago, I arrived. But unlike this Magnavox console which followed me into the world a few years later, I've not been abandoned curbside. At least, not yet.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jul 06, 2006  | 

A few weeks ago, I reported the Plasma Display Coalition (PDC) paid consultants to test their plasma sets independently (see <a href="" target=new>Tormenting the Plasma</a>). This week, I got my hands on the actual report and the results are fascinating. Just a bit of background. Everyone I know that buys an LCD TV says, when I ask why not a plasma, that the LCD won't "wear out," "burn up," or words to that effect. Turns out, debunking that myth was only one of the study's goals.

Fred Manteghian  |  Nov 04, 2005  | 

I need to get this off my chest. The Bryston amp is hurting a bit. As is the ARC preamp. The SP-14 preamp won’t go <i>out</i> of “bypass” mode into “normal” mode anymore. If you flip the “bypass” switch to “normal” you get nothing. No sound whatsoever. Never mind that I never listen to it in normal mode. I always use bypass, so, for me, it still works. There’s just the angst of knowing it doesn’t work in a mode that, frankly, I would never use. And what does “bypass” actually bypass? Well, the balance control for one, and the mode switch. If you’re in bypass mode, forget about reversing the left and right channels. I never did understand the need for that feature. Now, an absolute polarity switch – there’s a two-channel hot button topic that could easily fill a Rosetta stone. But alas, that’s not to be had either, even when “normal” worked, well, normally.

Fred Manteghian  |  Oct 09, 2006  | 

Here's a BluRay drive you can stick in your computer. At $Yen 99,800, less the 10% the store was offering you if you opened up a charge account (I'd be lost reading my monthly statement!), you can have it for about $750. It burns single and dual layer Blues at a 2X rate that'll have you saying, "Wow – this sure is slow!"

Fred Manteghian  |  Feb 15, 2009  | 

I'm a jaded reviewer who thinks there are only two kinds of people in the world. The first group have the latest flat panel / front projector rigs with HDMI everything, 1080p, ba-blah-ba-blah-ba-blah, and the rest of the world watch TV on the same set Ricky Ricardo used to watch in "I Love Lucy." So imagine my surprise when I got an irate letter from a reader who had read my review of the Rotel RSP-1069 pre/pro in <i>Home Theater</i> magazine where I said, incorrectly, that the Rotel would internally convert HDMI sources to component, all the way up to 1080i. I mean, who would need to do that anyway? Well, he did for one, since his perfectly-good-otherwise widescreen RPTV lacked HDMI (or DVI) inputs. I apologized in print, but that's not the point. I, Fred Manteghian, had discovered a new species!

Fred Manteghian  |  Aug 08, 2007  |  First Published: Aug 09, 2007  | 

Some of my friends, otherwise upbeat and keen journalists to the man, have started passing around the Prozac. No, it's not some general malaise, but the news we hear on the sidelines about the disparity between Blu-ray and HD DVD sales. I can't get into specifics, so let's talk hypothetically.

Fred Manteghian  |  Sep 21, 2008  | 

Covering a trade show as massive as CEDIA dampens your desire to write your regular blog, so first off, apologies for the month plus a day delay since my last refresh.
