Fred Manteghian Blog

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Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 03, 2005  | 

Michael Fremer is bitching (what’s new) about Sony giving owners of their $5,000 <A HREF=""> SXRD rear projection display</A> the ability to actually tweak it, and tweak it good. Mikey, I say, Hallelujah, and what-the-hell’s-it-to-ya’? It’s not like the good old days where you could really damage a CRT if you cranked the contrast up too much. In fact that’s what manufacturer used to do to make their sets stand out at Bob’s TV and Refrigerator Warehouse. It’s also why, until rear projection LCD and DLP projectors came along, I never recommended anyone buy a floor model.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 19, 2009  | 

The Black Crowes, <I>$hake Your Money Maker</I> (LP, DEF American Records, 1990), picked up during my first trip to Las Vegas in a used record store on Sahara. Even 20 years ago, The Black Crowes were doing what bands like the Rolling Stones seemed incapable of anymore. This hard-driving rock has no missteps and no end to the catchy tunes. Singer Chris Robinson's distinctive gravelly voice, a cross between Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger, gets stellar backup from the two guitars, bass and drum line-up that's as tight as it is raw.

Fred Manteghian  |  May 13, 2009  | 

Up until some dreadful time today, Connecticut radio station 104.1 played new alternate rock music and did it very well. Not enough of a market to justify formulaic shock-jocks, the former owner, the great, the diseased, the much-maligned Clear Channel radio conglomerate ran 104 WURH like a great indie radio station. No live DJ's, in fact, the few radio breaks they took between songs mostly made fun of the other stations (many of whom they owned). WURH was where I could hear the Killers, the Kings of Leon, Cage the Elephant and a bunch of stuff I didn't care for either, but it was all new for the most part and who isn't at least a little sick of classic rock at this point! Once a week, they played an oldie like that dreadful Four Non-Blondes song whose title I paid a hypnotist to make me forget, but for the most part, radio 104 was always fresh!

Fred Manteghian  |  Feb 23, 2009  | 

First of all, I think TV is better than movies. Anybody can write a movie script. You need about sixty minutes of material for a two hour movie, and you're done. TV on the other hand, is judged every single week, every single episode, on how well they've woven their pack of lies. It takes a lot of talent to keep a TV series going (<i>Saturday Night Live</i> excepted).

Fred Manteghian  |  Sep 10, 2007  | 

Michelle Kessler who covers technology for USA Today has a <a href=" target="new">great little (short) read</a> on price sensitivity in today's electronics marketplace. It's not how high of a mountain you shout from after all. It's how far the people listening are willing to tilt back to hear you.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 29, 2007  | 

"Okay boys, I want a clean fight. No bitin', no spittin', and definitely no hittin' below the belt. Now shake hands, go back to yer corners and come out when you hear the bell. Ya understands?"

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 12, 2006  | 

Central hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center was littered in brilliantly colored posters intended to pound product name recognition into even the most casual observer’s psyche. <Br>
<i>Viiv</i>. <br>
Rhymes with Five. I don’t know how I knew that, other to admit, their marketing campaign must have been a success.
