Fred Manteghian Blog

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Fred Manteghian  |  Jun 25, 2008  |  First Published: Jun 26, 2008  | 

I played out my pair of <a href="" target="new">Shure E4c</a> about a year ago when, ensconced in their circular case, they rolled out of my car into oncoming traffic. Realizing the driving public wasn't trained by years of reading signs on the back of 18-wheelers declaring "Where there's a rolling earphone case, there's a running audiophile," I erred on the side of caution. Bye-bye Shure.

Fred Manteghian  |  Oct 03, 2006  | 

While the other JVC products are practically here, their demo of 3D technology, based on some funky glasses and a pair of their 4K projectors (4096 x 2160 pixels), was, what's the term, oh yeah, universe shattering!

Fred Manteghian  |  Aug 13, 2006  | 

When it comes to hard news about consumer electronics, I get it pretty much the same way you do. I read it on the internet. Sure, I could take time out of my day to call a certain Korean hardware manufacturer and ask them if the on-again-off-again combo HD drive is on again or off again, but it would be so much easier just to read someone else's report on the internet which, depending on which temporal continuum you're surfing could be accurate or fallacious or, if you're hanging out with Tim Rice decked out as a transvestite, both.

Fred Manteghian  |  Sep 25, 2007  | 

"<i>Our chief weapon is greater capacity...greater capacity and more manufacturer support
… more manufacturer support and greater capacity. Our *three* weapons are more manufacturers and greater capacity…and higher content availability…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Blu-ray consortium…. Our *four* …no… *Amongst* our weapons…. *Amongst* our weaponry…are such elements as more manufacturers, greater capacity….I'll come in again.</i>"

Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 16, 2005  | 

While we’re sitting around waiting for Blu-ray or HD-DVD high definition players and discs to hit the shelves, we can still do a little hi-def pickin’ and chosin’ on our own beyond switching hi-def channels. On Apple’s web site, you can find links to hi-def trailers that you can download and watch right now, like <A HREF="" TARGET="NEW"> <b> this one for <i> X3</i></b></A>. Of course, you need a home theater PC if you want to show it on your projector or hi-def set, but I was satisfied to watch it on my not too shabby IBM T42P laptop. Even though the 15” screen’s aspect ratio is an old school 1.33:1, the resolution is an eye-popping 1600 x 1200.

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 29, 2009  | 

The company that started life as <i>Now Hear This</i>, but later decided to go with their acronym, has <a href="" target="new">decided to cease business </a>as they've known it, effective this coming Tuesday, March 31, 2009. I first became aware of NHT when Corey Greenburg put them on the map in the mid nineties in his <a href="" target="new">Beavis and Butthead tinged review</a>. I had a pair of towers from them, the 2.5, and loved them to death for a while. Lots of "there there" as they used to say.

Fred Manteghian  |  Feb 13, 2008  | 

BBC has an iPlayer feature that let's you watch TV broadcasts you may have missed on the "Beeb." Problem is, it's only open to folks who live in the U.K. So I have to keep reading little inside references to the "EastEnders" in Nick Hornsby novelettes but do I get to see what all the fuss is about? Hardly.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jan 28, 2007  | 

My sister gave me a Border's gift certificate for Christmas, and rather than do the conventional thing and buy some books that I would then be obligated to read, I bought some CDs instead. Among them are a remaster of Genesis's 1973 epic, "Selling England by the Pound" and Pink Floyd's last, and sorely unappreciated, "Division Bell." Now, I have both these on vinyl already, and although I'm in the process of thinking about the possibility of getting restarted on the vinyl-to-digital project, I felt it safer and most expedient to just buy the damn things and get them into my iPod post haste.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jun 07, 2009  | 

I'm hardly the first reviewer to get my mitts on this do-everything Polk iPod docking station, and yeah the official name is a mouthful, so "I-Sonic ES2" will do just as well here on in. The ES2 is a direct outgrowth of the original ES which lacked an iPod dock. We all remember those pre-Apple-monopoly days with fondness, but the truth is, if you don't iPod dock, you don't rock. And one the thing I want you to come away with from this review is that the Polk I-Sonic ES2 <i>really</i> rocks!

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 12, 2006  | 

I've got the next hot product for Apple, the hardware cum music company, not the Music company the Beatles conceived or even the fruit that ultimately made Eve conceive.

Fred Manteghian  |  Feb 20, 2007  | 

<a href="" target="new">Wolfang's Vault</a> is a <i>pretty slick</i> web site where you can continue the journey of rediscovering your musical youth. The fellow that owns the site bought out nearly all of Bill Graham's stuff just before he croaked. This is Bill Graham, owner of the Fillmores, East and West, and other venues, concert promoter extraordinaire, not Billy Graham the evangelist, although, in the end, they're both dead.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 19, 2006  | 

Easily imitated, never duplicated, the Mastercard "Priceless" ads are fun to riff on. Now you can <a href="" target=new>write your own</a> on-line, with Mastercard's permission. There's even a prize, but the fun is in the attempt.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 29, 2008  | 

One of the myriad benefits we can enjoy now with the end of the high definition disc format war is the elimination of competition that threatened to drive down prices of hardware and software. Imagine what would happen if cars came in different colors. What a mess.

Fred Manteghian  |  Dec 18, 2006  | 

Shane: "It's starting to smell like a fish market during a longshoreman strike."

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 24, 2007  | 

According to an AFP article at, <a href=" target="new">Nielson Tracking</a> reports CD sales for (almost) the first three months of 2007 are down 20% over the same period last year. Only 89 million retail CDs were sold year to date, compared with 112 million sold during the same period in 2006. Downloads of albums were off too, dropping from 119 million to 99 million this year.
