AudioQuest JitterBug FMJ USB Data & Power Noise Filter Sweepstakes!
From the company:
AudioQuest's JitterBug USB Data & Power Noise Filter has treated many thousands of music lovers to more naturally beautiful sound.Of the original model, Stereophile's John Atkinson wrote, "I have no hesitation in declaring, loudly and longly, that I can think of no way to spend $49 that would make me more enjoy my computer-based audio than the AudioQuest JitterBug. Try one—or two—for yourself."
Nearly 10 years later, JitterBug FMJ, typically priced individually at $69.95, will now be sold in packs of two for just $99.95. (Offer valid through December 31, 2023, in North America only.)
With its metal case (aka Full Metal Jacket) and RF-absorbing carbon-loaded output cover, JitterBug FMJ provides even more enjoyment than the award-winning original. FMJ's properly drained metal case effectively shields against external radio-frequency noise, and its hinged RF-absorbing carbon output cover optimizes performance when used in parallel.
Use JitterBug in-series, in-parallel, or both—wherever you have USB ports. Employ one JitterBug in series between any computer, smartphone, NAS, streamer, or car audio system and a USB input. For an additional sonic improvement, use a second JitterBug in another unoccupied USB port—in parallel to the first—except with its output cover in place.
Regardless of the application, a second JitterBug in parallel pulls more RF noise off the USB power bus, allowing JitterBug's efficacy to be enjoyed even when plugged into service-only or update-only USB ports on many devices.
Today's RF noise, like the noise generated internally by computers and power supplies, is sinister. We can't directly hear it, but it robs music and soundtracks of detail and dynamic contrast, burying much of music's precious subtlety.
Why let it go unchecked? Fight back with JitterBug FMJ.
Click here for more information on AudioQuest's JitterBug FMJ.
To enter the sweepstakes, all you need is an account on this website. If you don't already have one, click on the link labeled "register" at the bottom of this announcement or "LOG IN/JOIN" in the nav bar at the right. Then, enter a username and a valid e-mail address, and click on the "Create new account" button. A message will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you specified, which will include a link to activate the account.
The final step (and only step for those who already have an account) is to log in and leave a comment right here on this announcement—any single comment will do, as long as it's not profane or spam. Then, when the sweepstakes closes, a lucky commenter will be chosen at random to receive the prize. So post a comment, and good luck!
For complete sweepstakes rules, click here.
[This Sweepstakes is now closed.]
I've had these AQ adapters before, and I hope to win this one!
Thanks for the chance.
All we are saying is: "give ME a chance". I really need this device!
Why are you shilling for this audiophile nonsense junk? These devices do *literally nothing*, just like most Audioquest products.
But hey I left a comment so maybe I can win one and never use it.
I've had an original Jitterbug for several years.
I hope I win!
Flipping the ends of cables aside, USB continues to be a winning connection.
This is an awesome deal. Thanks for the opportunity!
I'll put this to good use!
Thank youQ
Excellent Product
I have the original Jitterbug and wouldn't mind an upgrade to the more modern product..
It sounds interesting, love to try and see how this would work on my Apple phone as I listen to my iTunes.
New idea to me but interested in finding out more
No more jitters
Been using my friend's AQ JitterBug since he has been out of town on business travel. Was wondering if I would give them back when he returns. If I win, I will. If not, I might have to fight him over them!
Very interested in this product. I've used an Audioquest DAC for many years.
I have an original and I'd love to hear the difference!
Will need to look into parallel USB ports.
Would love to win this JitterBug prize to upgrade my digital audio playback quality!
Not sure what effect this might have, but I’m definitely interested in truing it out.
Would be interesting to see if it makes a difference in my system
Good luck everyone!
Could be cool to win.
I have been a very satisfied Jitterbug user for many years.
The original Jitterbug works great as a parallel USB port filter to reduce digital audio noise in the Intel NUC. Looking forward to winning a pair of the advanced FMJs to clean it up even better!
I should like to test this kind of device !