Epson Home Cinema LS100 LCD Projector and Elite Screens Aeon CLR Screen Review Settings


Color mode Cinema
Brightness 40
Contrast 46
Color Saturation 52
Tint 50
Sharpness 0
Image Enhancement
Noise Reduction 10
Image Enhancement 5
White Balance Customized
Color Temperature 4
G-M Correction 3
R Gain 47
G Gain 53
B Gain 46
R Offset 46
G Offset 46
B Offset 46
Gamma 1
ECO / Brightness Settings
Light Source Mode Quiet
Brightness Level 100%
Dynamic Contrast High Speed
Aspect 16:9
Overscan Off
HDMI Video Range Enhanced
Deinterlacing Film/Auto
Hue 40
Saturation 50
Brightness 60
Hue 50
Saturation 45
Brightness 36
Hue 50
Saturation 50
Brightness 50
Hue 57
Saturation 70
Brightness 30
Hue 34
Saturation 50
Brightness 50
Hue 56
Saturation 30
Brightness 43

drny's picture

Ultra short projectors are nipping at the heels of mid-level large screen TV displays (85-88" diagonal image). However, they pale (pun intended) compared to reference level displays from Sony, LG, Samsung, or even Vizio.
The dollar value for the larger screen image makes an UST projector tempting, specially for living/ family room viewing.
Unfortunately, when the lights are off, in a dark viewing environment, all UST projector (even with the best ALR screens on the market) will disappoint the Videophile. I am optimistic that market demand will be conducive to the manufacturer's developing UST projectors that match dedicated Home Theater Projectors in image quality.
I imagine a Laser light UST that can match Sony's 285ES 4k projector for $3,000. That would take a huge bite out of the large display TV market.

hk2000's picture

In my opinion, the CLR screen is wrong for the purpose of UST for living room. Most living rooms suffer from different sources of ambient light, such as windows, and table lamps. If you try different ALR screens, you might find this projector performs better. CLR screens are for business applications where most offices have ceiling lights.

hk2000's picture

I might add, I have seen many reviews from users of this projector actually complaining about the high light output and contrast, saying it's too much for viewing in a darkened home theater room.

nkatz's picture

> unlike regular projectors, which require careful lighting control to perform their best, UST models can operate in well-lit environments.

I believe the ability to deal with ambient light has everything to do with the screen and nothing to do with projector throw ratio.

roman5828's picture

I used it and played Milky Way 777 latest version using my laptop. Great features

teenpattihappyclub's picture

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