
9 Hero (Miramax)

The Picture I'm not one to gush over cinematography, but the sumptuous visuals in Hero are a smorgasbord for the eyes, with deeply saturated colors establishing the mood in every scene.

The Sound The surround channels are used engagingly throughout, either to create a sense of space or to convey thousands of arrows flying overhead. Detailed sounds like individual raindrops or the pluck of a string are as convincing as the loud crash and clang of swords. Hero won't give your sub a constant workout, but the bass kicks in hard when the action calls for it.

The Killer Demo If you've doubted how back surround speakers can enhance the home theater experience, check out Chapter 7 on a 6.1-channel system. Sound swirls around the room, perfectly tracking the action onscreen.

Standout Extra "Hero Defined" shows how director Zhang Yimou went to perfectionist lengths to get his shots, especially for the lake fight in Chapter 8.

If you avoid foreign films because you don't like subtitles, Hero's amazing action, terrific sound, and compelling story will change your mind. - John Sciacca