Panasonic Plasma TVs

With all the talk about OLED and 4K at the show, it was easy to overlook the other 2012 TV introductions. Panasonic's new plasma lineup includes four series (from flagship to entry-level left to right in the photo above)—VT50 (55 and 65 inches) with Infinite Black Ultra panel; GT50 (50, 55, 60, and 65 inches) and ST50 (50, 55, 60, and 65 inches), both with Infinite Black Pro panel; and UT50 (42, 55, and 60 inches). Not shown are the XT50 (42 and 50 inches) and 50-inch TC-P50U50, the only TV in Panasonic's lineup without 3D capabilities.

starfury's picture

I would like to see Panasonic release something larger than the 65" plasma sets. The P65VT30 is a fantastic television and thought about upgrading to it, but I would like for them to release a 70" + line of TVs. I'm just wondering if it is too cost prohibitive at this time to launch a set that size for plasma.